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There is more than one way to buy tickets!

You can purchase Tickets for the GVH in many ways: in the sales centres and the vending machines or online in the Mobility Shop and in the GVH App. Where to buy the Ticket of your choice and what you need in order to get it is given in the detailed descriptions of our tickets. Below you will find an overview of our individual distribution channels.

Ein junger Mann sitzt in einem regiobus Fahrzeug und zeigt sein Handy, welches die GVH App zeigt.
2020 wurde die GVH App erneuert. Seitdem können Fahrgäste alle Fahrkarten im Einzelverkauf digital erwerben.© regiobus/Albertin

Travel smarter within the entire GVH area: Our user-friendly app provides you with your personal ticket machine at all times. Individual travel information, the Deutschland ticket and current announcements are included.

In addition to Day, Single and Short trip tickets, personal monthly passes (including the Regional tariff), youth pass, apprenticeship pass, 6 trip Single and 6 trip Day tickets are also available in the app. This means that the entire GVH ticket range can be accessed in individual sales around the clock. The tickets can be purchased securely and easily via the app, many even without registering. You can pay with Google Pay and Apple Pay, PayPal or credit card. In addition, a SEPA direct debit is available to registered customers.

To the Google Play Store

To the App Store

Centrally located, open long hours and with a wide range of offers: The GVH Customer Centre is located in the heart of Hanover's city, directly at the "Platz der Weltausstellung". Here, our employees are available for all kinds of questions. Of course you can as well buy tickets there. Furthermore many other GVH services are available.


The GVH Customer Centre offers for example:

  • All tickets for buses and trams for the public transport
  • Subscription request forms
  • All timetables
  • Journey planning information for all means of transportation of the GVH
  • Consultation concerning discounts for CarSharing and Taxi
  • Carshare contracts on the counter of the Stadtmobil Hannover GmbH
  • Information material concerning the city and the region
  • Information on barrier-free travel by buses and trams
  • Mobility advisory for groups, conference participants and institutions

That's how you can contact the GVH Customer Centre:

The GVH Customer Centre is open:

  • From Monday to Friday 09:30 am to 08:00 pm
  • On Saturday from 09:30 am to 06:00 pm

The GVH subscription center in the customer centre can be contacted:

  • By phone +49 511 590-9000 from Monday to Friday from 06:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., on Saturday from 06:00 a.m. to 08:00 p.m. and on Sunday from 07:00 a.m. to 08:00 p.m.
  • At any time via e-mail at

Throughout the Hannover region, various transport companies in the ÜSTRA/GVH transport association offer tickets for sale at ticket machines.
Most of the ticket machines are operated by ÜSTRA. You will find at least one of them at every light rail stop and in every tunnel station. There you can purchase various tickets for your journey(s) within the ÜSTRA/GVH fare zone. The single and day tickets are available here for immediate travel and are therefore already validated when they come out of the machine. If you buy a monthly ticket here, you can choose the day from which it is valid. Single 6-ride tickets, 6-ride day tickets, regional fare tickets and 1st class tickets are not available from these machines.
Currently, you can only pay cashless at most ÜSTRA ticket machines above ground. But there is good news: ÜSTRA is currently replacing its existing machines with a new generation of machines at all stops. At the stops where the new machines have already been installed, there is once again at least one machine that also accepts cash. Once the replacement of the machines is complete, you will be able to buy tickets with or without cash again.

At the stations in the ÜSTRA/GVH fare zone you will also find ticket machines set up by the railway companies. You can also buy tickets for the Hannover region here. The differences here are: You have to validate a ticket from these machines before your journey and the monthly tickets are also offered here in the regional fare.

Tickets can not only be purchased at the vending machines, point of sale locations or via App. If you would like to travel by bus of ÜSTRA or regiobus, you can get a Short trip ticket, Single ticket or Day ticket directly from the bus driver. The tickets are valid for an immediate start of journey and are automatically validated. If you are travelling with regiobus, you can as well buy Monthly passes from the driver.

The buses are equipped with card readers, which accept all commercially available debit/credit cards or other cashless payment systems. Like this, you can also get tickets cashless, spontaneously or when time is running out.

The 6 trip Single ticket, 6 trip Day ticket, Day ticket for groups up to 10 children, GVH plus for the Deutschland ticket, Monthly pass 1 class surchage for Deutschland ticket, tickets for the 1. class and tickets in the Regional tariff or passes for subscription.