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Eine Person übergibt einen Schlüssel an einen Werkstattmitarbeiter
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Our Workshop ticket for car dealers and automotive enterprises

If you have to take your car to the workshop, the ÜSTRA is ready. Instead of taking a car you go on return journey easily by bus or tram from selected workshops for free and the next day back for collection.

The Workshop ticket is available at the following car dealers resp. automotive enterprises in the Hanover Region (status as of January 2025):

The Workshop ticket is generally valid:

  • For journeys with the buses and trams within the entire ÜSTRA tariff area for the 2nd class
  • On the registered day of validity and the day after; if the day of validity is Friday, the Workshop ticket is valid for the weekend and the following Monday (maximum four days of validity)
  • For three zones (ABC)
  • For the person named on the order or their spouse; also alternatively for commissioned representatives

  • The fare is already included in the cost of repair.

  • You can identify the Workshop ticket due to the stamped ÜSTRA logo on the repair ticket.

Contact for car dealers and automotive enterprises

Interested car dealers or automotive enterprises in the Hanover Region can contact our colleagues in the Tariff Department/Sales Department:

Contact Person:

ÜSTRA Tariff Department/Sales Department