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On the road with the sprintRad rental bike

With the sprintRad you are from now on even more mobile and sustainable in the city. Whether you want to cycle comfortably through the city or cover the last few meters from the bus stop to your destination by bike – sprintRad allows you to be even more flexible and comfortable on the road.

Donwload Donkey Republic App and use voucher:

Zu Google Play

Zum App Store

  • Bicycle transport

    Bike and Public Transport – this fits together perfectly! Are you planning a trip to the countryside or do want to go just a part of the way by bicycle? No problem – just take your bike with you on our buses and trains. All transport companies of the GVH/ÜSTRA offer special utility spaces inside the vehicles.

    Zwei Personen stehen an einer Haltestelle. Im Hintergrund sieht man einen fahrenden regiobus, der sich der Haltestelle nähert.
  • Frequent passengers

    For people who regularly travel by bus and train in the ÜSTRA area, our monthly passes and subscription offers are worthwhile. To help you find the right ticket quickly and easily, here is an overview of our range of tickets for frequent travelers. Subscribers also benefit from a special advantage: With the ÜSTRA subscription, you have the…

  • Pupils, young people & apprentices

    For apprentices, students, pupils and young people, ÜSTRA has special and particularly inexpensive offers. You will find an overview of all products here, so that you can quickly find the right ticket offer for you.